A Chronicle of Timekeeping

Time is elusive. Despite its elusiveness, we can measure time exceptionally well. Timekeeping, however, is fundamentally different and more challenging than other measurements because it requires continuity. Clocks are instruments that measure and showtime. For millennia, humans have been measuring time in various ways, such as tracking the movements of the sun with sundials, the use of water clocks, candle clocks, and hourglasses.
Our learners of grades 5 & 6 dived deeper into the topic, 'A Chronicle of Timekeeping' to understand the history, evolution, types of timekeeping devices, and it’s importance. They learned how many components came together overtime to give us the modern-day timekeeping pieces of today through a timeline of timekeeping devices.
Learners made 'Sundials' and explored activities around it. Sundials were developed in ancient times as a timekeeping device, they provided a good estimate for the hour of the day - at least when it was sunny. Sundials have their origin in shadow clocks, which were the first devices used for measuring the parts of a day. They also learned about various other timekeeping devices used in ancient times and their drawbacks that lead to the development and evolution of modern-day timekeeping devices.
Furthermore, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" a story of a man who is born old and ages backward was analysed and evaluated by learners. Movie and videos were shown, various quizzes and open discussions led learners to understand the importance of timekeeping devices. Creative writing on time and timekeeping devices was done by the learners.
Learners and educators enjoyed the exploration of time. Learners understood the true value of time and timekeeping devices more than ever before.