Explorations are the flagship learning experiences at The Northstar School. A lot of time and thought in designing and delivering complex, broad and meaningful learning experiences is spent. Over the last 5 years we have designed dozens of explorations. This year, we have completely rethought and redesigned our Explorations approach by organizing it in a way which is even more relevant and connected to learners' lives. Northstar's design principles are central to all our learning design. While brainstorming what we could take up in one of the themes that we explore ‘Discoveries & Inventions’, we came up with a curious topic: Anaesthesia and Enigmatic Experiences of Anaesthesia.
Many of us might have experienced anaesthesia. What is it? How was it invented? What does it do for us? What are anaesthetic experiences? What was the history and the process of surgery before anaesthesia was invented? It is an incredibly rich source of bank of questions. Our Educators & learners of grades 7 & 8 are diving into the world of Anaesthesia. In order to understand Anaesthesia and its medical and enigmatic experiences learners explored various articles, videos and case studies.
At Northstar, we strive to create platforms and opportunities where our learners get exposure and learning beyond the classroom and books. We were delighted to welcome Dr. Hetalkumar Vadera (H.O.D., Dept Of Anaesthesia - Sterling Hospital, Rajkot) as a guest speaker, with his many years of experience in the field of Anaesthesia his session opened up learner’s minds to medical experiences and impacts of Anaesthesia.
Different anaesthetic experiences other than the medical experiences were also explored such as stopping of movement, induced sleep, reduction of pain. While exploring the idea of experience connected with anaesthesia, we could connect to what it means to feel pleasure or pain. Learners explored the concept of pain and pleasure through various compare & contrast activities.
Explorations at Northstar are like that in a way; inducing pleasure by the joy of discovery, while at the same time interlaced with the pain of confusion and effort caused by complex ideas.