The Better India Highlights Northstar's Distinctive Education Approach

We are excited to share that The Better India, one of India’s most popular digital media platforms, has featured Northstar in an article titled "Once a Harvard Project, This Sustainable School Teaches Kids Amid Nature."
This article looks back at our founder, Mohit Patels’ journey as a student at Harvard University to starting The Northstar School in India. It is truly an inspiring story for our community.
The article delves into our school's innovative educational methods, drawing parallels with ancient Indian learning philosophies and emphasizing the importance of experiential learning in a natural environment.
Quoting from the article:
“What do you remember most about your school? Is it the classrooms or the open spaces, the amphitheaters where you had your annual days or the basketball courts/football fields/grounds where you spent hours playing with your friends? In a sense, what we learn outside sticks with us more than what we do in classrooms.”
“The Northstar School in Rajkot is an attempt to go back to our roots, where learning is not confined within four walls. Inspired by the gurus in ancient India and wanting to replicate that kind of open learning where students are connected to nature in every space, Mohit Patel started this school in 2016. While studying at Harvard, the 38-year-old realised that the way schools are run today is in direct conflict with the way children learn.”
The article highlights how our school's architecture complements our curriculum, offering a unique pedagogy designed with a clear vision. It showcases the sustainable aspects of our school's design, positioning Northstar as an exemplary institution inspiring an alternative approach to school education.We invite you to explore the detailed coverage on The Better India to learn more about how Northstar is redefining the educational landscape.