Exploring Conflicts & Resolutions

Conflicts and Resolutions are a part of our day to day life. Every conflict has a solution. Conflict in general terms can be referred to as disagreement between two or more individuals arising whenever individuals have different values, opinions, needs, interests and are unable to find a solution. The topic of 'Conflicts and Resolutions' was introduced to the learners with an aim to foster awareness.
In the launch stage learners defined & discussed conflicts and resolution according to their perception. They were accustomed to different types of conflicts. Conflicts were categorized and assessed on the basis of three levels: Personal, Local & Global. For the assessment, learners were given with a situation on personal level and case studies were given for local and global level. Provocative questions were asked to the learners based on the topics provided to them.
Deep Dive was conducted for the learners to understand the five attributes of resolution which are: Negotiation, Arbitration, Peace making, Diplomacy and Mediation. They watched two movies: ‘Bridge of Spies’ and ‘Raazi’ to identify the five attributes discussed earlier. Different conflicting situations were given to the learners for which they had to make scripts finding resolutions.
By the end of the topic, learners were also able to identify the consequences of resolution. Facts and reality of World War 1 & 2 were very well discussed and explained to the learners by our guest speaker Dhrupad Bhatt, team leader at The Northstar School. An expert session for creating comic strips was taken by Meeta Ma’am, high school educator at The Northstar School. Learners presented situations covering up the conflicts, resolutions and the consequences of the resolutions in the form of comic strips for their assessment.