Significance of festivals & epics through CG

Community Gatherings at Northstar play a vital role for our learners in understanding, knowledge & skills beyond the domains with the peers and the community.
Grade 4B
We can’t ever get over Navratri.
The Sanskrit words "nava," which means nine, and "ratri," which means night, are combined to form the phrase "Navratri." Learners in grade 4B demonstrated the history of Navratri as well as some well-known Gujarati dances that are now an essential element of the festival in their community gathering.
Grade 12
Epics play a significant role in our lives. They are capable of explaining the actual meaning of life. They are able to explain to us things that are beyond our capacity for thought. They provide the answers to the majority of our questions.
Grade 12 learners explored the significance of epics in human life for their community meeting through a sequence of performances of several epic stories.
Through such community gatherings learners gain and grasp various concepts.