Wellness 2022

The Northstar School recognizes the importance of a learner's physical and academic development. With the aim to honour sports and wellness, we began our wellness week adventure, by hosting a variety of activities throughout the week. Sports and wellness activities have an important role in the development of social skills, critical thinking, and teamwork. Learners gain discipline, fair play, unity, and teamwork skills on Northstar's extensive grounds. Our skilled coaches worked with learners to help them improve athletic skills as well as life skills that are essential for a successful life.
On day 1, learners in grades 6 through 12 participated in a Mini Marathon as well as a few other wellness activities including Surya Namaskar and Meditation. Volleyball Quarter-Finals were held on day 2 of Northstar Wellness Week. On day 3, the learners' eagerness and passion to be a part of the football game added to the day's beauty. On day 4, learners participated in the final matches of football and volleyball. Our fantastic Wellness Week came to a close with that.
The audience was overjoyed to witness truly competitive matches.
Sharing some glimpses of the wonderful event.